Anchorpoint Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:31:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Anchorpoint 32 32 5 Steps to a More Engaging Intranet Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:31:29 +0000 Employee turnover is at all-time highs nationwide. While there are many reasons for companies experiencing low retention, one of the most common factors is low employee engagement. This lack of engagement usually looks like employees losing sight of why they joined the team and becoming disillusioned with their role. To help combat this trend towards high employee turnover, many business owners are learning that a great way to retain team members is with a high-quality intranet.

Encourage engagement through your intranet

One of the best ways to keep a team engaged is by providing them with all of the tools that they need to accomplish their jobs while part of the process. This is most effectively accomplished through an employee intranet. While most employers offer an intranet for their teams, many are unaware of how pivotal this tool’s design can be for their teams ability to collaborate, enjoy a good work/life balance, and to stay engaged.

5 steps to making your intranet engaging

We’ve researched common complaints that employees have about their company’s intranet.  These are 5 of the most effective ways to transform your intranet into a rewarding tool that provides value for your team.

5 steps to making your intranet engaging

We’ve researched common complaints that employees have about their company’s intranet.  These are 5 of the most effective ways to transform your intranet into a rewarding tool that provides value for your team.

  1. Prioritize access

One of the first mistakes employers make that damages employee engagement is not prioritizing access to the intranet. From day one, employees need to be able to log in and interact with every aspect of their job. When intranet access is several log-ins away or is delayed and only presented later in the on-boarding process, team members can be understandably stressed and prevented from accomplishing what they were hired to do. 

Access means whatever your team needs it to mean. No two companies are the same and no two teams work the same way. Your team’s ideal access could be access from home, access from on-site devices only, or a hybrid of the two. However your team operates, employees need the autonomy to access your intranet whenever they need it.

  1. Maintain calendars

Calendars are a great way to ensure that your team is on the same page. Deadlines, events, project goals, all of these elements of their workflow and are all things that can easily get lost in the busyness of the work week. By keeping track of events through interactive calendars, teams and groups within the company can keep work and office events all in the same space.

  1. Simplify

One of the most common complaints about intranet design is complexity. When it comes to an intranet, less is definitely more. With a simplified design, employees will be able to access necessary information with just a few clicks. Team members don’t sign up for a job to spend hours learning a new system, they sign up to do what they do best. 

By simplifying your intranet, you’re directly making your employees’ jobs that much easier. It’s easy for your team to be engaged when their work is easily accessible and their questions are easily answered. In the long run, streamlining your intranet makes your training processes easier and saves time and money in the on-boarding process.

  1. Provide resources

When your employees have direct access to documents, forms, and HR tools, they are able to take ownership of their jobs. A stress factor commonly reported by staff is having to go through an HR department for many of their needs and not being able to take care of issues like payroll, benefits, perks, or work-related forms on their own.

Designing your company’s intranet to be a one-stop shop for resources and tools shows your team that you understand their needs. 

  1. Gain interactive feedback

Intranets are a great way to gain feedback from your team. Whether it’s their satisfaction with a certain course of action, their desire to change something in and around the office, or major decisions like benefits, pay, or workplace flexibility. As industries continue to be shaken up, office work and what it means to be an employee is in a near constant state of change. Keeping track of your team’s needs has never been more important than it is now.

Feedback can be gained through polls, questionnaires, idea boxes, or any number of methods that employees can provide you with data on how they’re feeling about decisions, systems, and processes. By incorporating feedback into your intranet, you’re giving your employees another way to use their voice as active members of a team. By elevating their position in this way, a sense of ownership is instilled and each member sees their role as significant and meaningful.

How do you know your team’s ideal intranet?

Most people can easily name the issues that they have with their company’s intranet. The high-yield course of action for any business owner is to simply ask their team what an ideal interaction with their intranet looks like. After collecting answers on this subject, coordinating to solve the issues for your team is a huge step in the direction of showing them that they matter as stakeholders in the well-being of the company.

A great intranet is a combination of design features, interactive content, and communication tools. It helps to partner with team experts who can deliver an engaging internal source of communication for your business.

Anchorpoint creates engagement

If you’re concerned about keeping your employees engaged, you’re not alone. Our team at Anchorpoint helps companies gain optimal stakeholder buy-in. We’d love the opportunity to partner with you and to turn your company into a satisfying workplace with drastically lower costs than your competitors due to reduced employee turnover and higher rates of talent retention. At Anchorpoint, we offer a one-stop shop for internal communications. From aesthetic and layout design to graphics support and site mapping, our team is more than capable of delivering your team’s ideal intranet. Contact our team to see how we can help you develop a strong relationship with your employees through a well designed, engaging employee intranet.

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What is “Invertising” and Why Is It Changing Marketing? Thu, 13 Apr 2023 15:37:46 +0000 We’ve all heard about advertising and how it can help a company promote its products and services to customers. But what about invertising? Invertising is a form of marketing that is geared internally towards employees. It’s a form of marketing that focuses on the internal audience of a company to foster communication, understanding, loyalty, trust, and engagement. In this blog, we’ll take a look at how invertising works, the benefits of using it, and how you can start implementing it into your marketing plan.

Introducing Invertising – Definition and Overview

Contrary to traditional advertising (which promotes externally), invertising is about promoting internally within the company itself. Simply put, invertising is marketing for employees. This may include activities such as employee recognition programs, team building exercises, engaging internal communications, and more. In addition to boosting morale inside the company, it also helps build relationships between individuals in the business which can often lead to improved productivity and collaboration among teams.

Invertising for Current Employees

Current employees are the backbone of any successful business. Through invertising, companies can create a sense of belonging and loyalty to their organization which leads to improved performance from employees.

Benefits of Invertising for Current Employees

In addition to improving morale and employee engagement within a company (learn why this is so important in our recent blog, “6 Reasons Why Employee Engagement is Key to Business Success“) there are several benefits associated with using invertising. For starters, it helps give employees a sense of purpose and pride in working for the company which often results in increased motivation and productivity. Additionally, it can lead to better customer service since happy employees tend to be more engaged with customers which leads to better experiences overall. Finally, it also helps promote education, understanding, and brand awareness among employees who may be new hires and not as familiar with the company’s products or services.

Invertising for Prospective Employees

In addition to serving current employees, invertising can also be used to attract potential new hires. Companies can use invertising to highlight their culture and values, as well as show off the roles available within the organization. This helps prospective employees get a better understanding of what it would be like working for your company and can lead to more qualified applicants.

Benefits of Invertising for Prospective Employees

In addition to giving potential employees a better understanding of the company and upsell the roles available, invertising also helps promote a positive reputation for the company. This can lead to more qualified applicants as potential employees are more likely to apply. Invertising can also help make sure that you’re attracting the right types of candidates. By showcasing your culture and values through invertising, you’ll be able to attract people who are a good fit for your organization. This means that they’ll be more likely to stay with the company long-term which will lead to better retention and employee satisfaction rates overall.

Challenges to Consider When Launching an Invertising Program

Any invertising program should be carefully planned and thought out before being launched. While it can provide a great benefit to your company, there are several challenges you should consider when launching an invertising program. First, you need to make sure that all employees understand how the invertising program works and what its intended purpose is. Additionally, you also need to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to participate in the activities. You’ll also need to consider how the invertising program fits into your overall marketing strategy and whether it is something that will actually help drive results for the company. Lastly, you’ll have to assess whether your company has the resources and expertise to produce the initiatives or if external assistance is required.

Getting Started with Invertising

If you’re looking to get started with using invertising within your business, the best place to start is by creating an internal communications plan. This should include goals for the program such as increasing engagement or improving retention rates. From there, think about ways in which you can use invertising initiatives to reach those goals. This could include creating and sharing content, hosting special events for employees, or launching campaigns that focus on team building activities.

Once you have an idea of what you want to accomplish with your invertising program, it’s important to measure the success of each initiative. Use analytics tools to track engagement rates, as well as any changes in morale or customer satisfaction. Finally, make sure to adjust your program accordingly and keep experimenting with different ideas so that you can continue to get the most out of your invertising efforts. With a bit of planning and effort, invertising can be an incredibly effective tool for boosting employee engagement, morale, and retention rates within your business.

Let Anchorpoint Lead the Way

Max Lenderman said it best in his piece on “The Invertising Shift:” “The more employees are authentically convinced of the brand purpose, the stronger the brand becomes. This helps drive the ability to attract top talent, uncovers new distribution channels, makes it easier to introduce new products and services and delivers a better return on marketing spend.”

As you can see, invertising is an important part of any marketing strategy, both internally and externally. At Anchorpoint, we understand the importance of creating content that resonates with your employees. With our expertise in advertising, digital technology, and internal communications, we can help you create an effective invertising program that will engage your employees and deliver real results. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you get started on your invertising journey!

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5 Ways to Get Your Team on Board with a New Project Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:35:00 +0000 Are you about to embark on a new project that will require the help of your team? Are you worried about how they will react? Getting team buy-in is essential for the success of any project. In this blog post, we will discuss five ways to get your team on board and excited about your new venture!

Make sure everyone is on the same page by having a clear and concise project plan

Start by outlining the project’s overall goals, timeline, and responsibilities. Then, break the project down in the same way for each team or team member. Make sure to discuss the plan with everyone and give them a chance to provide input before you move forward.

Provide adequate resources and support to help make the project successful. Your team should have access to all of the equipment they need as well as any training necessary to complete the project efficiently. Also, don’t forget that emotional support is just as important– make sure you’re available to listen and help out when needed.

Show your team why this project is important by explaining the bigger picture. Help them understand how their work will contribute to something larger than themselves. This can be an incredibly motivating factor for many people and will encourage them to take ownership of the project.

Communicate effectively and often – don’t let any misunderstandings fester

Encourage collaboration and foster communication within your team by setting up regular check-ins. This helps to ensure that everyone is on track with their tasks and can flag any issues early on in the process. It also gives team members a platform to share ideas or ask questions they may have about the project.

Misunderstandings can easily derail a project, so it’s important to be proactive in addressing any issues that arise. Make sure everyone is aware of their respective tasks and provides regular updates on their progress. It also helps to set clear expectations from the start and remain consistent throughout the course of the project.

Encourage team members to ask questions and voice their opinions

Even if you have a solid plan in place, it’s important to be open to feedback from your team. Your team members might have ideas that could improve the project and make it even more successful as it progresses! Encourage them to ask questions and voice their opinions. This will help foster a collaborative environment and make everyone feel like they are part of something meaningful.

Be open to suggestions and constructive criticism

In addition to encouraging team members to ask questions, be open to suggestions and constructive criticism. It’s important that everyone feels comfortable voicing their opinion without fear of repercussions. This will foster an atmosphere of collaboration and help create a better outcome for the project. Open dialogue is essential for any successful team endeavor!

Acknowledge everyone’s contributions, big or small

Everyone’s contribution is important, so don’t forget to acknowledge everyone’s efforts no matter how small. This will help boost each team member’s morale and make them feel appreciated. A simple “thank you” or a verbal acknowledgment during meetings can go a long way in inspiring your team to keep doing their best work.

By following these five tips, you can ensure that your team is on board with the new project. With a clear plan in place, adequate resources, meaningful recognition and appreciation, effective communication, and openness to feedback; you can create a strong foundation for success and get your team excited about what lies ahead!

Achieve employee buy-in with Anchorpoint

When selling an idea, story, or proposal to your team and leadership, the organization of your message is everything. At Anchorpoint, we want to help you present your information clearly and concisely. The foundation of any initiative is ensuring that those working on it with you have the right assets, colors, logos, fonts, and use of the materials defined. First, we work with you to construct a unique initiative logomark and theme. We then take these items and pull together your main talking points, key messaging, and goals into a cohesive and easily understandable style guide. Lastly, we take these elements and prepare a harmonizing presentation template that you can use to continue to build awareness. At Anchorpoint, we are driven to help you unlock the secrets of gaining buy-in, allowing your team and leadership to effectively visualize, understand, and purchase into your ideas. Get started today and create a clear path towards success.

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Need to Create an Effective Employee Onboarding Program? Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:07:01 +0000 Onboarding new employees is one of the most important aspects of any business. It can be difficult to find good employees, and it’s even more difficult to keep them if you don’t have an effective onboarding program in place. In this blog post, we will discuss some steps that you can take to create a successful onboarding program for your business.

What are some common mistakes businesses make when implementing an employee onboarding program?

Not having a clear onboarding plan

One of the most common mistakes businesses make when implementing an employee onboarding program is not having a clearly defined onboarding plan. Without a plan, it can be difficult to track progress and ensure that all steps are taken to ensure a successful transition into the new workplace.

Not setting expectations

Setting clear expectations for what new employees should expect during their onboarding process is essential. Not having clear expectations can lead to confusion and frustration for both the employer and employee, as well as a lack of motivation to do the job correctly from the beginning.

Not providing feedback

Providing regular feedback throughout the onboarding process is critical for ensuring that your employees know how they are doing and where they can improve. Without feedback, it’s easy for new employees to feel lost in their new role and frustrated with their progress.

How can you ensure that your employee onboarding program meets the needs of your employees and your business?

Develop clear onboarding objectives

Creating a clear set of objectives for your employee onboarding program is essential for making sure that it meets the needs of both your employees and your business. Outline the goals you want to achieve, such as having new employees up to speed quickly or understanding company culture and procedures, so that everyone involved knows what is expected.

Provide comprehensive training

Offering comprehensive training materials and resources during the onboarding process will ensure that new employees have all the information they need to understand their role and how best to contribute in the workplace. This could include videos, presentations, handbooks, or other materials tailored specifically to their position. 

Establish a mentor system

Mentorship is one of the most effective ways of onboarding new employees. Having an experienced employee or manager provide guidance and support throughout the onboarding process can help ensure that new employees are getting off to a great start and feeling comfortable in their new role.

Offer incentives

Offering incentives, such as gift cards or other rewards, during the onboarding process can be a great way to motivate new employees and keep them engaged. This can also help to show your appreciation for their hard work, which helps to create an atmosphere of respect and trust between employer and employee.

What are the benefits of a well-designed employee onboarding program for businesses and employees alike?

Increased efficiency

A well-designed onboarding program can help to streamline the training process and get new employees up to speed faster. This can help increase productivity in the workplace, reducing the time it takes for new employees to become fully operational.

Improved morale

Creating an effective onboarding program that is tailored to meet the needs of your new employees can have a positive impact on their morale and motivation. Knowing that they are valued and supported by their employer can help them feel more confident in their role and give them a sense of purpose.

Better retention rates

Having a successful employee onboarding program can help reduce turnover rates within your business by ensuring that new employees feel welcome from day one. With a comprehensive onboarding plan in place, they will have all the tools and resources they need to be successful in their role, making them more likely to stay with your business for the long run.

How can Anchorpoint help your business make sure that your new hires feel welcome and comfortable during their first days on the job?

Anchorpoint can help your business create an effective onboarding program that meets the needs of both your employees and your business. Our comprehensive suite of services includes everything from helping you develop clear objectives to providing personalized training materials tailored to each new hire’s role. With Anchorpoint’s help, you can make sure that your new hires hit the ground running on their first day and are set up for success in their role.

Training support

With unique training materials that break the mold of traditional books and training videos, our team can create an engaging and interactive onboarding experience for your team AND show you as management how to use those materials to be most effective. 

Learning portals

Anchorpoint’ can create learning portals that provide new hires with an easy-to-navigate platform for accessing the information and resources they need to perform their job duties. The portal can also be used as a central hub for employees to access resources, tools, educational information, and other important information from the company.

Video tours / Guides / Virtual Walkthroughs

Let Anchorpoint create video tours, guides, and virtual walkthroughs for your new hires to help them quickly learn the ropes. These tools provide a visual representation of their workspace, giving them an in-depth look at their surroundings before they start their job. These types of resources are also useful for companies trying to educate staff about their complex product offerings. With these interactive tools, your new employees will be able to get familiar with their environment and products quickly to feel more comfortable on the job.

Anchorpoint is committed to helping businesses create onboarding programs that are effective and engaging

Whether you have a vision for an out-of-the-box onboarding program or need help creating one from scratch, Anchorpoint is here to make sure that your new employees feel welcome and comfortable during their first days on the job. With our comprehensive suite of services, we can create a unique onboarding experience tailored to meet the needs of both employers and employees alike. Take a look at some of our previous projects or get started today by contacting us to discuss your employee onboarding needs.

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The Power of Creative Internal Communications Tue, 28 Feb 2023 14:15:09 +0000 Did you know that creative internal communications can help improve employee engagement, productivity, and even creativity within your workforce? When employees feel connected to their company and their co-workers, they are more likely to be productive and even come up with new ideas to help the company reach its goals. Creative internal communications also allows companies to foster a culture of collaboration and trust. In this blog post, we will discuss the power of creative internal communications and how you can use them to improve your business!

How Can Creativity Help Improve Internal Communications?

Creative internal communications can help make your messages more meaningful and engaging. When you use creative methods to communicate, employees are more likely to understand and remember the message. Creative communications also give employees a better understanding of their role within the company and how they fit into the organization as a whole. Through creative internal communications, employers can build trust between themselves and their employees while also communicating important information in an interesting way.

Anchorpoint Is Your Solution for Effective Communication

Anchorpoint’s goal is to empower you and your team with the capacity to confidently communicate plans, objectives, initiatives, campaigns, and products internally. Through creative internal communications, Anchorpoint can provide effective and meaningful messages in a variety of formats. We offer creative solutions through video, animation, infographics, web applications, and more.

How to Use Creativity in Internal Communications: Anchorpoint Success Stories

Anchorpoint has served a number of clients across industries, and we have seen firsthand how creative internal communications can help organizations reach their goals. Here are some of our success stories:

New Technologies Explainer

The Need: A client came to Anchorpoint wishing to rethink and redesign assets for deploying new information surrounding technological expansion and new maintenance protocols within the company.

The Solution: Anchorpoint created a series of short, motion graphic animations and simplistic, renewable character designs. Our goal was to provide complex information while also capturing attention. Our team crafted a distinctive animation style tailored to the client’s needs. From concept to completion, we managed the project expertly by collaborating with scriptwriters to generate storyboards and creating compositions that spotlighted the technological applications.

Preview the characters and animations that Anchorpoint created here

Employee Training Media

The Need: A client needed both visual and creative support with the deployment of a new training program.

The Solution: We developed an engaging story to bring the training to life and created the visuals and UI experience. Our goal was to engage the employees with the company’s vision of pursuing excellence in the field. Our team developed a cohesive storyline with consistent visuals and navigation within the Apex computer base training program. By using a combination of illustrations, storytelling techniques, and the Articulate Storyline software, the training program offers an immersive and relevant training experience.

Take a glimpse at the branding and training materials that Anchorpoint developed here

Brand Identity and Onboarding Materials

The Need: Brand identity development with unifying visual elements for digital and print materials.

The Solution: Anchorpoint designed a cohesive visual identity, bringing together onboarding materials and conceptual designs in order to foster brand unity across multiple platforms for both employees and consumers.

View the logo variations, web design, app design, and more materials that Anchorpoint created here

How Can YOU Use Creative Internal Communications?

There are many ways to incorporate creativity into your internal communications. One popular method is using videos or other visuals to explain concepts or objectives clearly.  Animations and graphics can also be used to engage employees, or even provide a sense of humor. Additionally, using consistent branding in your internal communications helps convey the overall mission of the company to create a unified team.

Tips for Implementing Creativity into Your Internal Communications Strategy

1. Have a clear and consistent message: Establish a core message that you want to communicate with your team, and make sure this is reflected in each communication piece.

2. Use visuals when possible: Visuals are much easier to process than text-heavy materials, so use visuals like videos, graphics, or illustrations whenever you can.

3. Test different formats: Experiment with different formats to reach different types of audiences.

4. Keep it fun: Your internal communications should be engaging and even humorous, as this will help keep your employees motivated and engaged.

5. Don’t try to do it all yourself: Get help from an outside creative agency if you don’t have the resources in-house to create visuals, videos, or other content.  They will be able to bring a fresh perspective and help you craft materials that best represent your organization. One of our clients put it best: “Our employees have a higher confidence level when communicating with and using materials and visuals created by Anchorpoint. Outsourcing so many aspects of our creative needs is a faster and easier process than in the past. I choose to leave this up to the experts at Anchorpoint”

With Anchorpoint’s creative solutions for effective communication, you’ll be able to create powerful visual narratives that keep your team informed and engaged in the company’s mission. 

Take Your Creative Communications up a Notch with Anchorpoint

At Anchorpoint, we understand that creative communication is an essential part of creating strong engagement with employees. We focus on helping you achieve this through our expertise in storytelling and visual design. By utilizing our services, you will not only gain better clarity for communicating internally but will also build trust among teams. Contact us today to start transforming your communication! We look forward to working with you and bringing creative ideas to life for your organization’s internal communications needs!

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6 Reasons Why Employee Engagement is Key to Business Success Tue, 14 Feb 2023 15:31:39 +0000 When employees are engaged, they feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their work. They are more invested in their job and the company as a whole, and are more likely to go above and beyond what is expected of them. This leads to a more productive and successful workplace. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of employee engagement and why it is so important for businesses. We will also provide tips on how you can increase employee engagement within your organization.

What Is Employee Engagement and Why Is It Important?

Employee engagement is defined as the emotional commitment and involvement with work tasks. It refers to how an employee feels about their job and their organization. Employee engagement is important because it helps create a positive workplace culture, increases productivity, and reduces turnover rates.

The Benefits of Employee Engagement for Businesses

1) When employees feel engaged in their jobs they are more likely to stay at the company longer and be productive while they’re there.

Lower turnover rates mean that businesses can save money in the long run by not having to constantly hire and train new employees. Increased productivity leads to increased company profits and a more successful business overall.

2) Employees who are engaged are more likely to take initiative and be creative in their work.

Engaged employees may come up with ideas that could benefit the organization as a whole as well as improve their own performance. They may be more likely to think outside the box, which can help companies stay competitive and innovative in their industry.

3) Engaged employees are committed to the organization’s goals and values.

When employees are engaged, they understand the company’s mission and goals. This leads to better work performance as well as higher customer satisfaction ratings. This commitment will lead to higher-quality work and increased loyalty to the company.

4) Engaged employees have better communication skills

Employees who feel engaged in their work are more likely to be proactive when it comes to solving problems or discussing new ideas. This leads to better communication between coworkers and management, which can ultimately lead to greater collaboration and improved productivity.

By increasing employee engagement, businesses can create a healthier workplace environment that is more conducive to success. This helps them work better together with other colleagues, creating a positive atmosphere at work.

5) Employee engagement correlates with a sense of loyalty towards the company

When employees are engaged and feel appreciated, they will be more likely to stay at the company for long-term. This can create a stronger sense of loyalty towards the organization, which can translate into better performance and customer satisfaction.

6) Employee engagement has been linked to better financial performance for businesses.

It’s true – engaged employees are more likely to bring in higher profits for the organization. With lower employee turnover, higher productivity, an improved work atmosphere and better customer service,  businesses can reap the benefits of having engaged employees.

How to Measure Employee Engagement

The most effective way to measure employee engagement is through surveys. Surveys can provide insight into how employees feel about their job and the organization as a whole. This information can then be used to make necessary changes and improvements that will benefit both the company and its employees. Additionally, organizations should also monitor performance metrics such as productivity, customer satisfaction ratings, employee turnover rates, and absenteeism.

Factors That Influence Employee Engagement

The most important factor in employee engagement is mutual trust. It’s essential for employees to feel that their management team trusts them and values their opinion. It’s also important that employees feel they are respected and appreciated for their efforts. Providing employees with ample resources and support can also help create an environment of engagement.

Finally, communication should be an integral part of any organization’s strategy for employee engagement. Managers should keep employees informed about changes and updates, provide feedback on their work, and encourage open dialogue. This will help create a sense of belonging and motivation within the team.

Strategies for Improving Employee Engagement

There are several strategies that organizations can implement to improve employee engagement and create a positive workplace culture.

1) Recognize and reward employees: Give recognition for a job well done, provide meaningful rewards for good performance, and celebrate successes with the team. This will help foster loyalty towards the company and motivate employees to work harder.

2) Provide training opportunities: Invest in your employees by offering them training and development opportunities that will help them grow professionally. This will show them that you value their growth as well as their commitment to the organization’s success.

3) Foster collaboration: Encourage teamwork among your employees by creating an environment where everyone is heard and respected. This will help promote creativity and innovation within the team.

4) Offer flexible schedules: Allow employees to set their own hours and work from home when necessary. This will give them the freedom to manage their time better and work more efficiently.

5) Provide incentives: Give incentives such as bonus days off, free meals, or additional vacation time for those who meet certain goals. This can be a great way to recognize employee achievement and motivate them to continue performing well.

6) Communicate regularly: Provide employees with regular updates on the company’s progress and upcoming initiatives. This will help create a sense of transparency and trust between management and employees.

By taking these steps, organizations can create an environment of engagement that will help boost productivity, morale, loyalty and overall success. With engaged employees working together towards shared goals, businesses can achieve greater heights of success!

Say It with Anchorpoint

As you can see, employee engagement is essential for the success of any organization. By implementing strategies such as providing training opportunities, fostering collaboration, and communicating regularly, organizations can create an environment of engagement that will help boost productivity, morale, loyalty and overall success. 

At Anchorpoint, we understand the importance of employee engagement and we strive to create an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. Our team is dedicated to creating strategies that will help boost engagement levels and enable our clients to reach their internal goals. If you’re looking for a partner who can help you leverage employee engagement, look no further than Anchorpoint. Utilizing our knowledge, diverse skill sets, and creativity, we can help you discover and refine the most engaging methods to communicate your messaging in a clear and impactful way. Contact us today to get started!

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The Top Three Internal Communication Strategies for HR Managers Mon, 16 Jan 2023 20:17:51 +0000 A successful human resource (HR) management strategy is anchored by effective internal communication. It allows HR managers to effectively communicate with employees, ensure that their concerns are addressed, and help create an engaged and productive workplace. But what if you don’t have a well-developed internal communication plan in place? Here are the top three strategies that HR managers should consider when developing their internal communication plans:

Establish Clear Lines of Communication

Establishing clear lines of communication between HR managers and employees is essential in ensuring that everyone understands their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. An effective internal communications strategy should include an engaging and informative onboarding process for new hires, as well as impactful methods of regularly communicating news, new policies, new product offerings, and other important company information on an as-needed basis.

By keeping employees informed while also providing clear instructions on how to engage with the HR manager to address any questions, concerns, or issues, HR managers can foster a stronger relationship with their employees. An effective internal communications strategy also promotes honest and transparent communication between managers and their teams.

What Happens When Clear Lines of Communication Cease to Exist?

When employees don’t have clear lines of communication, they may feel ignored or that their concerns are not taken seriously. Additionally, communication breakdowns can lead to misunderstandings and confusion within the workplace. This can result in frustrated employees and objectives and deadlines not being met.

Leverage Technology

Technology can be a great tool to facilitate communication and streamline processes within an organization. Leveraging creative design in technology can help make complex topics easier to understand and can help increase engagement.

Technology Can Make it Easier for Employees to Engage

By using technologies like interactive UI experiences for training purposes or motion graphic animations to visually explain new safety protocols, HR managers can make it easier for employees to understand, engage with, and remember important topics and processes.

Technology Can Ensure Consistency in Messaging

Using technology can help ensure that the messaging from HR is consistent across the board. This can reduce confusion, as well as allow organizations to provide timely updates on any changes or new offerings.

Technology Can be Friendly and Approachable

We often think of technology as cold and impersonal, but creative technology integration can actually be used to add a human element to communication. As an example, organizations can earn employee buy-in by using technology to create a more personal experience. For instance, visual onboarding tools featuring a friendly team member can help new hires feel welcomed, valued, and relatable.

Of course, technology should never be used just for the sake of using technology or be used to replace meaningful human interaction. However, if used with intention and with an effective plan and strategy in place, it can be an extremely powerful tool for HR managers to ensure effective and timely internal communication within their organization.

Create a Culture of Openness and Transparency

Creating an open and transparent work environment is essential for effective internal communication. Encourage feedback from all levels of the organization by creating forums where employees can engage in dialogue with each other and management. Additionally, ensure that everyone understands the company’s mission statement and values so that they feel empowered to voice their opinions without fear of reprisal.

Finally, create a culture of trust and respect by setting realistic expectations for employees and ensuring that any issues or concerns are addressed in a timely manner. By doing so, HR managers can ensure that employees are informed and feel supported.


Clear lines of communication between HR managers and employees are critical to the success of any organization. Having an effective internal communications strategy, leveraging technology creatively, and creating a culture of openness and transparency will all help to foster positive relationships between management and staff. This will not only ensure productivity but also help to build loyalty among the workforce.

Is Your Company Struggling with Internal Communication? Anchorpoint Can Help.

Anchorpoint provides innovative, visually captivating solutions to help businesses build strong connections and communicate with their employees. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping organizations better engage with their workforces and create meaningful relationships. From creative design experiences to interactive tools and custom onboarding programs, we can help your organization achieve its internal communication goals. Contact us today for more information on how Anchorpoint can help your business.

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